
Intl consular delegation visits Yiwu

chinadaily.com.cn| Updated :2024-06-24


A delegation of consular officials from Macao and Hong Kong visits Yiwu. [Photo/ywcity.cn]

A delegation of consular officials from Macao and Hong Kong, led by Sun Xiangyang, deputy commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Macao, visited Yiwu to experience the city's dynamic changes and vitality firsthand on June 21.

The delegation included consuls general and consular officials from 14 countries, including Nepal, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Kuwait, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Turkiye, Mozambique, Australia, South Korea, Laos, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Angola.

Sun thanked Yiwu for its warm reception. He noted that the international atmosphere of Jimingshan Community and the vibrant International Trade Market left a deep impression on the delegation, providing them with a comprehensive understanding of Yiwu's economic and social development. He believes that through Yiwu, consular officials gained deeper insights into Zhejiang's development and China's overall development path and philosophy.

Mayor Ye Bangrui warmly welcomed the delegation, highlighting Yiwu's transformation into a hub for global entrepreneurs, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and various ambassadors. He hopes the visit will encourage more foreigners to Yiwu.

Naser S Al-Ghanim, Consul General of Kuwait in Hong Kong, described the visit as an excellent opportunity to understand the economic, cultural, and technological development of Yiwu and Zhejiang. He expressed a desire to strengthen practical cooperation in various fields, bringing more development opportunities to both sides.

During their stay, the delegation toured the Yiwu International Trade City, marveling at the array of goods and the achievements of Yiwu's market development. They also visited Jimingshan Community to learn about effective practices in community integration and grassroots governance.